Fat loss is important for a variety of health and performance outcomes, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Sometimes diet and exercise are not enough, and supplements can play an important supporting role. However, the right formula is necessary to address the various aspects of dietary support to fuel fat loss. Metabolic rate must be increased so more calories are burned, fatty acids need to be liberated from storage to be available for oxidation, and appetite must be suppressed to enable dietary compliance. For these reasons, Performax Labs’ is excited to present
OxyMaxTM, the all-in-one thermogenic powerhouse. This precision formula of clinically researched ingredients at efficacious doses combines the best adrenaline boosters, metabolism enhancers, and appetite suppressors for all-day clean energy with minimal hunger or cravings.
By combining caffeine with trace amines from Eria jarensis and B-phenylethylamine HCl, you will experience a clean energy boost that increases your metabolic rate in a natural and sustained way to keep fat burning efficiently all day. Supporting ingredients like Nelumbo Nucifera ensure that appetite stays low while fatty acid availability is high so that the right fuels get burned. Give your regimen the support that it needs with a supplement that addresses all aspects of fat loss: OxyMaxTM.
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